Youth Ministries

St. Mark’s invites students from 6th-12th grade to be a part of a community of faith where they will encounter God, journey in faith together,  and grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.

Sunday School

Join us on Sunday mornings at 9:45 in the youth room to walk through stories of scripture and discuss how they apply to our daily lives. This is a smaller group more focused on growing in our faith. It also gives students more face to face time with caring grown ups like Sydney. Also donuts.


Every Sunday from 5-7pm, youth gather to eat, play, learn, and pray together. Each week, this fun gathering includes a meal, a lesson, and activities that range from amusing to ridiculous. This is a great place to connect with others and bring friends. 

Other Events

Youth participate throughout the year in all church events and activities geared just for them. We are expert hiders for the Easter egg hunt and learn to use power tools as we share God’s love on mission trips. Summer events always include UMARMY, a mission trip that provides home repairs and wheelchair ramps around Texas; Youth Week, which coincides with VBS (the youth are great VBS helpers!); and Serve Eat Play, a once a month gathering to do just what it says– serve the community, eat lunch, then go do something fun together! For more information email [email protected].