New Here?
Welcome to St. Mark’s United Methodist Church! It is our joy to welcome you and to tell you how God is moving in our community of faith– and hopefully answer some of your questions!
First of all, we know how much it takes to try out a new place or a new community. Way to go on taking that first step- we hope to make it as easy on you as we can!
We’ve been a part of the Woodland Heights community for 75 years, with Houston roots that stretch back to 1875. As a United Methodist Church, the heart of our theology is grace that surrounds each and every one of us and grows stronger in a community where we can experience belonging, acceptance and guidance. Our response to grace is to show God’s love in our words and actions.Below are some frequently asked questions about what to expect on Sunday mornings. If you have other questions, please contact Pastor Emily Chapman ([email protected])
Where do I find you?
600 Pecore, Houston, TX. Our Sanctuary faces Pecore and our church office entrance is off Redan Street. Parking is in behind the building or on Pecore or Redan Streets and the grass lawn beside the LOVE mural. You can enter from the front or the back parking lot- dont forget to make your way to the Gathering for coffee and kolaches!
What should I expect?
When you walk in, an usher will give you a bulletin that contains the order of service. Our weekly worship includes congregational singing, the reading of scripture, prayer, choral and instrumental music, moments of silence for reflection and listening to God, and a message that seeks connect the Bible to our lives as individuals and as a community of faith.
Worship is held in our historic Sanctuary building. The 1940 building is filled beauty and awe and wonder and draws your eyes up to vaulted ceiling and sunlit stained glass. The building has the power to move you, but we hope and pray you will be moved more by the people who gather in the pews with you to celebrate God’s presence in our lives. We offer two worship services on Sunday mornings, 8:30AM and 11AM.
What should I wear?
You are welcome to come just as you are — some people wear shorts or jeans and other people wear a suit and tie —come in whatever way is comfortable for you. We really mean it when we say all are welcome and are not concerned with attire!
What about my Children?
Children’s Sunday School is offered from 9:45-10:45 AM. A nursery is provided for children, infants and toddlers all morning, during each service and Sunday School in the Children’s Building (to the right as you enter the gate from the parking lot). Children –their laughter, tears, and joyful noises – are abundantly welcome in our worship and community of faith! Children’s Church is offered for children ages 4 years to 3rd grade during the 11:00 worship service following the children’s moment. Children are escorted to Children’s Building, where they learn the story in a developmentally appropriate way. They will return to the sanctuary to you after the sermon to receive communion with their grownups. There is also a cry room off the sanctuary balcony with rocking chairs, toddler toys, a baby changing station, and the service on a TV.
How Do I Get Connected?
If you are interested in learning more about St. Mark’s and how you can become connected with others in this community use the Connect page or call or email the office to schedule a time with one of the pastors! We really recommend connecting with a small group like a Sunday School class or Bible study, the youth group or the Epworth League for young professionals. Another helpful link is our LinkTree, which is always linked by QR code on the bulletin or you can get there by going to
That link is always updated with sign ups for current events and volunteer opportunities, along with other things that might help during the worship service.
How Do I become a Member?
If you are interested in becoming a member of St. Mark’s, you can do so at the end of any worship service after the invitation to discipleship. If you’ve never been baptized, contact Pastor Emily before you come to join so we can prepare for that. In the United Methodist Church, we believe that if you were baptized once, in any tradition, that baptism is good forever. So, as you come to join, you ask you to make vows that reaffirm your faith and commit to the life of St. Mark’s. There is a membership class, Welcome Mat, held throughout the year at various times. You can take it before you join or after.